Engaging Men in Diversity & Inclusion

July 14, 2023 | Maureen Frank

We have seen time and time again that men also have a critical role in creating real change for diversity in the workplace.

Removing the barriers women face, such as gender bias and stereotyping, a lack of mentors, role models and sponsors, as well as exclusion from key decision making or opportunities, will not only benefit women but also men.

The advantages of diversity in the workplace allows for greater creativity and productivity by increasing the talent pool. This in turn increases profit, marketability and employee satisfaction.

It is also important to note that by embracing diversity and encouraging change, we are also addressing the inequality others may experience in the workplace, such as men who don’t fit the “masculine” stereotype, or people from other cultures, sexual orientation or backgrounds. By working towards a diverse and equal opportunity workforce, we are delivering equality for the masses.

For us at Emberin, engaging men in diversity to improve inequality in the workplace is a critical first step to creating real change in a business, and around the world. Here are some steps we use to engage men with diversity:

Lay the Foundations of Diversity

It is crucial to involve everyone, including men, from the outset with any gender equality initiative.

  • Involving men and women equally in all initiatives, training and the conversation around gender equality and diversity.
  • Encouraging interactions between men and women to encourage awareness and to address the unconscious bias that may occur. This is also a major step in pushing employees to gain an understanding of other cultures, religions or sexual orientations.
  • Motivate men to take action by removing the expectation that equality is something only women can act on.
  • Treat equality as a business and organisation issue, not a women’s issue that can’t be addressed by men for fear of getting it wrong or offending. If the conversation is open and everyone is engaged, then real change can occur.


At Emberin, we are strong believers that deep down, all good men want to help women succeed in life and in business. What is holding them back is a lack of understanding of how deep-rooted gender inequality is, or what they can do about addressing it and bringing about change.

  • Building awareness of gender bias in your business or industry is a key starting point to addressing inequality.
  • Ensure the messaging that your business or leaders are using is correct and clear by researching or speaking to women, diversity organisations such as Emberin, or other men who are actively and successfully addressing equality in their workplace.
  • Use as many resources as you can to reach everyone and encourage others to share and contribute to the education of others.
  • Connect your working life with your life outside of work, and ensure that the equality you are seeking in one, mirrors that of the other.

Are you ready for real results in building Inclusive Leaders?

Our inclusive leadership training program, the The Inclusion Habits Journey, helps businesses and leaders move from awareness of inclusion and diversity, to measurable results. The Inclusion Habits Journey course is a blended journey and incorporates the science of micro-learning, taking leaders on an interactive journey to change behaviour and improve the inclusion and diversity within an organisation.

For more information, or to see how we can help your organisation build an inclusive and diverse culture with a Free Consultation, contact the Emberin team.

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